Get a vehicle history report

Access accident, damage, and service information in real-time

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Wholesale Options

Create an account to view our budget-friendly packaged deals. Unlock rates as low as $0.65 per report and access the history section to view and track all your past reports.

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Available on Web Store

Check reports faster remotely on any website with our extension. Use as a guest or link your account. Works on all browsers.

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Auctions Access

Get free daily information on live salvaged car listings from the USA after insurance claims.

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API Integration

Connect your dealership, auction house, or reseller account to our API and start generating reports directly from your website.

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Where is my VIN number?
The VIN is usually found on the driver's side door near the latches or on the lower left corner of the dashboard, facing the steering wheel. It can also be found on the title, registration, or insurance paperwork. The 17-character VIN excludes the letters I, O, and Q and is key for accessing vehicle details and history.
How do I buy a report?
First, search for the vehicle using the VIN, license plate, or by taking a picture of the VIN. Then, select the report type you wish to purchase, complete the payment, and receive the report.
I lost my report link
If you can't find the report backup link in your email, please contact us with your VIN number to receive the report link.
My report didn't generate
Click here to speak to a live specialist.
Our service comes with a 100% money-back guarantee if your report doesn’t generate. Please note that initiating a PayPal chargeback without contacting us will delay the refund by over 30 days.
I want to purchase in Bulk and get discounts
Please create and login to your account and navigate to the "Transfers" tab. From there choose a packaged deal that works for your budget.
I am getting a "Whoops" error.
Delete your cookie sessions or try the website in incognito mode. If all fails try to open the website using google chrome web browser.